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Cool products that will change the future!
See below for product offerings, bear in mind the range of products can be large depending on the system of interest
Solar Panels.
Simple in design , complex in
technology. Its all about efficiency
here, how much electricity can you
produce from the sun?
How much space do you need to
produce the required generation?
Contact us to find out more.
Solar Air Conditioning
Improve the worst energy
consumption offender by installing
Solar Air conditioners.
Save energy and money by not
connecting the Air Conditioning
system to electrical supply
Contact us for more info.
Solar Exterior Lighting.
No more wasting money on
elecricity to iluminate external areas.
Solar LED lamps provide security
and lighting in an aestetic way.
Renewable energy exterior lighting
with no cables to install
Contact Us for a demo.
Solar Re-installation
Solar panel installation typically last
25 years, so if you move home or
office headquarters why not take
them with you to the new location?
We can uninstall and re-install the
solar system in the new location for
your home or business.
Contact us to find out more.
Solar Water Heating
Heat your hot water using only the
sun and then store it in pressurized
tanks for distribution.
Simple and effective our Solar
Heating solutions provide hot water
when required, not just in the late
afternoon like our competitors
Contact Us to see the difference!
Solar EV Car Charging
Yes everyone wants an electric
vehicle but where do you charge it?
We install EV Car charging stations in
private and public locations in
combination with our Solar Panel
installs. Use the sun to power your
car and charge it quickly
Contact Us today for information
Leaders in renewable energy soluciones
combined with high end technology